Just a guy. I work. I wonder. I write.
So after a few days of trial and error I have finally arrived in GeminiSpace, if that is a word for our location. I am still in the process of figuring everything out and getting my pod put together so I can not say that I am totally here but I am really close.
The other day when I first signed up for this and was thinking about what to put on my "about" page I was thinking that I would go all self-aggrandizing and talk about my long and illustrious career in the status-post-social-media and the reasons why I am choosing gemini over that. Last night as I was perusing other people's pods I came to the conclusion that you, dear reader, probably have as long and illustrios social media career as I do and that most of us have the same gripes about the current state of the web so there is actually little need for me to join the chorus. Y'all know what I am going to say anyway so why do I need to say it out loud.
I am not even going to use my username from those social media days. I am not really that guy anymore any anyway and to tell the truth, he was more of a character than a real person. Here in geminispace I am going to be me. I am a plain, simple, real guy.
This pod is going to be like most of the pods in geminispace. It is going to be about everything, anything, and nothing all at the same time. I will try to avoid talking about politics or religion but anything else is pretty much fair game. I may talk about woodworking (my profession) one day, computers the next, and chickens the day after that. Who knows? I have many interests and sometimes I like to share.
Yesterday on gemipedia I read an article about some cult in Kenya that had ordered their acolytes to starve themselves so they could "meet Jesus." I read the whole article on Gemipedia and then got some background information on this cult also on Gemipedia. I read for almost an hour with no distractions. I had not realised until yesterday that even the links on a webpage were distracting.
So, yesterday I finally got the full picture on gemini. It is a simple place with few distractions where one can actually understand what is going on. I think that I fell in love. Let's keep it this way.
Gemipedia is wikipedia for Gemini
Gemini Feed
PLEASE NOTE: Most of the links on these pages are to sites using the gemini protocol. What that means is that instead of a link being https://example.com the link is gemini://example.com . To my knowledge no regular web browser works with the gemini protocol. Some browsers may have an extension for browsing gemini. Otherwise you will need a gemini browser to work the links.